1: Identifying Poison Ivy: Learn to spot the three shiny leaves of poison ivy to avoid contact.

2: Preventing Exposure: Wear protective clothing and gloves before handling poison ivy plants.

3: Proper Removal: Carefully dig up and dispose of poison ivy plants, roots and all.

4: Bagging Up: Place poison ivy in plastic bags and tie securely to prevent spreading oils.

5: Disposal Options: Burn or compost poison ivy if allowed in your area, or contact a professional.

6: Avoiding Spread: Clean tools and clothing that have come in contact with poison ivy.

7: Protecting Pets: Keep pets away from poison ivy to prevent them from getting rashes.

8: Treating Exposure: Wash skin with soap and water immediately after contact with poison ivy.

9: Seek Medical Help: If a rash develops, consult a healthcare professional for treatment options.