1: Falcons vs Hawks Find out the key differences between falcons and hawks in this informative story.

2: Appearance Falcons have a notched beak, while hawks have a sharp, hooked beak.

3: Size Falcons are typically smaller in size compared to hawks.

4: Hunting Techniques Falcons are known for their high-speed dives, while hawks tend to rely on perching and gliding.

5: Habitat Falcons are commonly found in open grasslands, while hawks prefer wooded areas.

6: Behavior Falcons are more solitary hunters, whereas hawks are known to hunt in pairs or groups.

7: Speed Falcons are known for their incredible speed, reaching up to 200 mph in a dive.

8: Migration Both falcons and hawks are known to migrate during certain times of the year.

9: Conclusion Although both are birds of prey, falcons and hawks have distinct differences in appearance, behavior, and hunting techniques.