1: "Overwatering Gardenias can lead to root rot and yellowing leaves. Always check soil moisture before watering."
2: "Planting Gardenias in direct sunlight can scorch their delicate leaves. Opt for filtered light instead."
3: "Using the wrong fertilizers can harm Gardenias. Choose a formula specifically for acid-loving plants."
4: "Neglecting to prune Gardenias can result in leggy growth and fewer blooms. Prune after flowering."
5: "Poor soil drainage can cause root rot in Gardenias. Plant in well-draining soil to prevent issues."
6: "Incorrect pH levels can stunt Gardenia growth and reduce flower production. Aim for acidic soil."
7: "Not protecting Gardenias from freezing temperatures can damage or kill the plant. Cover or bring indoors in winter."
8: "Allowing pests like aphids and mealybugs to infest Gardenias can weaken the plant. Monitor and treat promptly."
9: "5 Mistakes That Will Sabotage Your Gardenias can be easily avoided with proper care and attention. Enjoy healthy, beautiful blooms."
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